Rath Family Website
This website contains resources we want to share with everyone
as well as personal information we only want to share with family and friends.
The latter information is behind a password. If you desire access
to our Family & Friends pages then please send
an email requesting the password. |
For Family & Friends
Home School Resources
As Home Schoolers, we have developed resources for use within our family. We
would like to share these with you for use in your home. Commercial use of these
resources is prohibited; except with written permission from Christopher or Jean.
Ramblings In Rath
The pieces linked to in the list, below, represent the personal perspective of
each writer; be it Christopher or Jean, or one of our occasional guest writers.
Readers should treat the contents as “opinion pieces”: t hey are personal opinion
and perspectives on life; they are not necessarily fact or doctrine and should be
treated accordingly. These essays, reviews, and miscellaneous writings have been
posted both for your reading pleasure and to cause you to think. Happy pondering:
Ruth Rath
Stuff From The Kids
The resources in this section have been created by our children.
Covers for Cereal Box DVDs
Early in 2002, and again in late-2004, one of the breakfast cereal manufacturers
in Canada offered kid’s DVDs as a give-away in certain brands of breakfast cereal.
We scoured the Internet for relevant artwork and then created case-covers (real
DVD-sized covers, not CD case inserts) using PowerPoint, for each of the DVDs we
collected. These were created as a computer assignment by two of our children
within the context of our Home School.
Stroke Books
In late 2002, I (Christopher) came upon a reference to something called a Stroke
Book. This is a small, bound booklet that can be folded from a single sheet of paper.
The best instructions I can find—describing
with illustrations exactly how to fold one of these books—are found on the
Oregon Public Education Network's website,
in the
Support For Teachers In Art Section. What appears below is an MS Word
document that is formatted such that you can easily type text into the document,
print it, and fold it into a stroke book. This was created as a computer assignment
by one of our children within the context of our Home School.
Stuff From Christopher
The resources in this section have been authored by Christopher.
Mr. Travel
Since 1995, my work has caused me to travel much more than I have ever imagined
I would. My giving of opinionated and vocal travel advice to co-workers caused
me to be nicknamed “Mr. Travel” (specific thanks for the moniker goes to Brad Black).
While waiting in airports, hotels, and airplanes, I have collected my opinions and
recommendations into the following documents (I trust they will be of some value
to others):
- Tips For Travelers—Business
Travel Advice by Christopher Rath
- Hotel Rating.zip—Personal
Notes by Christopher Rath (this page is very stale and no longer maintained,
so I've ZIPped the page; if you're interested in the page then download it and
view it from your PC)
Worship Team & Sound Reinforcement
I have been part of “Worship” bands/teams since becoming a Christian in January,
1983. Playing in bands and later helping to start a church led to experience
setting up and running sound systems for church services, conferences, and concerts.
Early in 2001 I decided to try and capture my experience and learnings in writing,
and these documents form the resources in this section.
I am confident that not everyone will share the opinions I express herein, but
I trust my experiences will serve to assist others as they work out their own
salvation (c.f. Philippians 2:12) in service to the Body of Christ.
The links in this section are presented in alphabetical order; with a
List of Terms being listed at
the bottom:
This section contains a miscellaneous collection of tips and contributions towards
the public good. I hope they’re helpful.
Old Hat
These are past publications, most of which have no current application but which
might have some historical value. If nothing else, they capture a point in
time which may interest others. The publications are presented in reverse
chronological order:
Over the years, Christopher has been known under several email addresses within
the high tech community and on the Internet. Those addresses include:
- crath@jetform.ca—when I was working at JetForm Corp. (originally known
as Indigo Software)
- crath@bnr.ca—when I was working at Bell-Northern Research (subsequently
known as Nortel and then Nortel Networks)
- crath@nortel.ca—while working at Nortel (subsequently known as Nortel
- christopher.rath@nortel.com and
crath@nortel.com—still while working
at Nortel Networks (during the .com boom, John Roth, the CEO, mistakenly thought
that only having a .com corporate address was somehow of value)
- crath@cyberus.ca—my first personal email address (before this current
Who I am not. This Christopher Rath is not the a c t o r who is
also a a member of the religious organisation whose name starts with 'Sci'.
©Copyright 1998–2021, Christopher & Jean Rath
Address: 555 Wilbrod St., Unit 602, Ottawa, ON Canada K1N 5R4
Last updated:
2025/01/04 @ 19:55:28